• Restores an optimal balance of nutrients
  • Supports body in reversing insulin resistance
  • Helps improve cardiovascular health and prevent heart disease
  • Aids in weight loss and blood sugar control

Age-Proof Your Heart and Body

Thrive is packed with nutrient-dense, active organic greens that nourish as well as balance the body and are essential for proper health but often depleted from our modern-day diets. Our exclusive formula uses only the highest quality raw and organic greens available anywhere in the world–sustainably grown and certified organic.

Based on Nobel Prize winning research, all-natural Thrive also supplies your body with two vital amino acids, L-Arginine and L-Citrulline. Research shows these key nutrients can prevent and even reverse cardiovascular impairment as well as age-proof the cardiovascular system by naturally boosting the production of the powerful neurotransmitter Nitric Oxide in the body.

"About 6 months ago, my MD prescribed Lipitor for my high cholesterol (197), but I never got it filled because I wanted to solve the problem naturally... And I did (Thrive): As of Sept. 22, 2018, I'm happy to report that my total cholesterol is 175!

Thrive also helped to lower my blood sugar from 144 to 125 to 79! I was out of Thrive for a couple weeks, and noticed burning and tingling in my feet and legs. Since I started taking it regularly again, the burning and tingling stopped. Isn't it funny how you forget how awful you used to feel, when you start feeling good again?

I can say from my own experience, please give Thrive a try."

- Jeanette Tolbert

"I have been diagnosed with vascular disease, and just a year ago with A-Fib. My doctor put me on a blood thinner, which I don't want to take. I also have COPD and high blood pressure, and I am on medication for them, as well. Within just a few days of starting to take Thrive, my blood pressure started coming down, and I've had to cut way back on the BP meds. I also noticed that my breathing is improving, and I'm not using my inhalers as much. But the kicker is... After about three weeks, I was looking at my arms, which were always covered with bruises that appeared from seemingly nowhere. Besides being a sign of "mature" skin, the blood thinners were making it worse.

I couldn't believe my eyes as I noticed that my arms were clear of all those awful bruises. They were gone! I believe my arteries and blood vessels are truly being cleansed of the plaque. My cholesterol is in normal range for the first time in years, and all my blood work was good. My doctor said he had no complaints."

- Heidi Caver

"I was intentionally looking for a nutritious green drink when I came across Thrive. At the time, I was on a very low budget and could not afford to eat properly. (Have you noticed that food that is really good for you cost a lot more than food that is really bad for you?! LOL) I wanted to have ‘super-powered’ nutrition, and it was more cost effective for me to use a green superfood than it was to buy the equivalent nutrition in fresh fruits and vegetables.

My friend told me that Thrive had not only enhanced his health, but had actually reversed his heart damage! I was intrigued, so I bought the three day trial. That’s all it took to convince me that I wanted Thrive to be a part of my every day life!

I know some people think that Thrive is a luxury. For me, it’s a necessity! If anyone reading this thinks they can’t afford good nutrition for themselves and their family, I encourage them to rethink!! Thrive is the most cost effective way I know of, to get the vital nutrition we need to live a healthy life!!"

- Mary Tracy


We have answers

Thrive is an all-natural green drink mix that's based on science and tastes great! It's packed with nutrient-dense greens that nourish as well as balance the body and contain vital organic compounds that are essential for proper health but are often depleted from our modern-day diets.  Our exclusive formula uses only the highest quality raw and organic greens available anywhere in the world.

Thrive contains our proprietary stack of three nutrient blocks that work synergistically in the body.

  • Thrive’s state-of-the-art Nitric Oxide Blend is designed to help heal and strengthen your cardiovascular system.
  • Thrive’s Insulin Sensitivity Blend is a holistic approach to helping heal and reverse your body’s insulin resistance.
  • Thrive's Active Greens Blend helps replenish your red blood cells, neutralize free radicals, and balance your body’s pH.

In addition to being rich in all-natural greens, Thrive supplies the body with two vital amino acids, L-Arginine and L-Citrulline, which Nobel Prize winning research shows can prevent and even reverse cardiovascular impairment as well as age-proof the cardiovascular system by naturally boosting the production of the powerful neurotransmitter Nitric Oxide in the body. One scoop of Thrive provides 5,000 mg of L-Arginine and 1,000 mg of L-Citrulline.

Any of these symptoms could be clues to bigger problems on the horizon for you.

  • Have you been feeling more tired than usual?
  • Have you been feeling depressed?
  • Are you struggling to lose weight?
  • Are you exhausted or irritable by the end of the day?
  • Do you have extra belly fat?
  • Do you crave sugar and refined carbohydrates?
  • Are you inactive (less than 30 minutes of exercise 4 times/week)?
  • Do you feel hungry again shortly after eating meals?
  • Are you experiencing joint pain or tingling in your hands and feet?
  • Are you thirsty more than usual?

Most people suffering from the greatest public health crisis facing our country today don't even know they have it.  And chances are you are at risk.  One in two Americans has diabesity.  You don’t have to be a diabetic -- or have the symptoms - or be overweight to have diabesity.  Many people who suffer are “skinny fat”.

Also concerning, most people don't realize how deadly diabesity is.  It is a leading cause of most chronic diseases in the 21st century.  If you have diabesity, you're at an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s, kidney failure, and blindness.

The good news is that diabesity is nearly 100% preventable, treatable, and reversible!  All-natural Thrive is designed to help you fuel your body’s healing process, age-proof your cardiovascular system, and beat insulin resistance.

If you struggle with your weight, there is a good chance that you are insulin resistant from chronically high blood sugar. Also, if you just can’t seem to lose the weight, it’s a pretty good indication that your body is screaming for a detox. 

Thrive’s active greens blend is densely packed with bioavailable nutrition.  Each serving floods your body with therapeutic amounts of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, and phytonutrients.  Plus, the active Chlorophyll in Thrive is a powerful detoxifier of the liver and blood.

People taking Thrive report that they have better focus and appetite control.  Plus, some people say they “feel happy” when they take it.  Try Thrive and taste how delicious it can be to feel better than you have in years.